
The sessions below have been developed to provide a broad overview of coaching and touch on topics that span all disciplines and sports. See our catalog of coaching education for more detailed and sport-specific courses and trainings.

Training I : Sport Psychology Overview

This Training is an overview of Sport Psychology concepts and vocabulary. WNY Coaches Trainings bring focus to a paradigm shift in coaching which includes social-emotional development and psychological principles in the practice of coaching.


Training II: Developing Your Coaching Philosophy

This Training provides fundamental steps in building a Coaching Philosophy. Both self-awareness and leadership Style are emphasized.


Training III: Youth Sport Organizations (YSO)

This Training highlights Youth Sport Organizations and related community agencies. Management approaches and priorities are discussed to maximize the benefits of the youth sports experience.


Training IV: Coaching Mental Toughness

Mental Toughness is a phenomenon that is certainly part of performance. This training explores ways that coaches can bring awareness and includes descriptions of related qualities possessed by those considered mentally tough. There is always the question of this attribute being biological and/or environmental.


Training V: Imagery and Visualization

This Training assists coaches in understanding the remarkable process of imagery and visualization. Practice plan ans techniques are discussed.  The use of this tool can bring the competitive edge to the coach and athlete. 


Training VI: Games Approach

This Training introduces coaches to the Games Approach to Coaching.  Incorporating game-like situations in practice and capturing coachable moments are highlighted.


Training VII: Team Cohesion

This Training contributes to the coaches by presenting teaching principles to build team cohesion. The pursuit of GESTALT is the priority. The power of TEAM is unmatched in its potential to achieve as a collective.


Training VIII: The Whole Child

This Training reminds coaches that we are contributing to the overall development of the whole person. Through sport, coaches and parents have the opportunity to teach life lessons.


Training IX: Psychological Factors in Rehab from Injury

This Training introduces coaches to the complexities of a comeback from injury. So many psychological variables are present in recovery from a sports injury.


Training X: Student Athlete Wellness

This Training brings focus to the developmental aspect of wellness. Every individual is unique and prioritizing overall aspects of wellness are introduced.


Training XI: Gestalt and Team Bond

This Training focuses on team cohesion and performance.


Chalk Talk

Want more coaching education? Check out our ongoing ChalkTalk Podcast. WNY Coaches invite guest coaches to join them for ongoing discussions about all things coaching.

Micro Lectures

The team at WNY Coaches present a series of micro lectures that do deep dives on specific coaching topics, such as: sport psychology, team dynamics, exercise science, and more...